The latest as-the-KJVO-stomach-turns chapter, is this: labarum312 (click here for his channel) started a contra-KJVOnlyism group on Youtube. In large measure, he seeks to defend the KJV as a Bible; but to divest it of the patently false claim by KJVO, that its translation is perfect. For we have 400 years of MIStranslation evidence. So insecure baby believers who imagine it perfect, but find out it's not in any five-minute Google search -- how to protect them from disillusion, hating God, all Bibles, Christianity, etc? You know: seeing the feet of clay. The evil KJVO never think about the ramifications of their vile actions: Romans 2! Do you steal? Yeah, they steal innocents, spiritual pederasty!
Their modus operandi is slick. They specialize in using buzzwords, demagoguery, and misquote or misuse scholarly texts they themselves cannot read, hoping that those reading their 'smart' sounding statements and quotes, won't actually CHECK what they say. Of course, you can expose them in five seconds by just asking them to translate some Bible portion in Hebrew or Greek (don't tell them what verse section you're using). Or, if you can bring up the errors in their misquoting. But the young, don't know how to do all that. The young, are attracted -- because the young know they are ignorant, and seek assurance.
This is exactly what pederasts do, make themselves attractive or seem protecting, to the young. In order to snare them. The innocent are ignorant, so don't check what the KJVO say, are impressed by the big words and quoting, and so take that 'candy'.. and thus become, infected. KJVO commit a serious crime, by means of which the Gospel and all Bibles are trashed. I made two videos to demonstrate that problem: click here for the Epitaph video, or click here for the KJVO trash video. Serious stuff.
KJVO Crime Background: as you probably know,
- KJVO have started riots in prisons and other places around the world, encouraging people to burn, throw in the toilet and otherwise trash, all non-KJV Bibles. And they call their activity, holy.
- Young people are told that you can't be saved unless you believe that the KJV is infallible;
- that you can't be saved unless you read the KJV;
- and worst of all, that God couldn't get the Bible right until suddenly and magically, in 1611.
- Consequently, I made a playlist showing some KJV mistranslations, and how the leaders of KJVO, pretend proficiency yet can't read the original languages. For that playlist (which includes the videos linked above), click here.
All this calumny, of course, with nary an ounce of proof inside or outside of Scripture. KJVO are attempting to murder the Bible, frankly. So of course all translators, lexicographers, and compilers of past mss -- especially those from the mid-1800s forward -- must likewise be trashed. There is no lie too low for the KJVO people to tell. There is no misuse of text and lexical material their consciousless minds will avoid.
- So of course, if a scholar once made a comment that he had read a book on evolution but didn't believe in it, the LATTER clause will be omitted, and he will be called an evil evolutionist, in the yellow 'scholarship' of the KJVO.
- He will be called gay, occultist, you-name-it lie based on no or violently twisted evidence.
- Like claiming Huckleberry Hound's blue fur, was the 'sign' of a communist labor conspiracy foisted on us innocent, TV-watching babes of the 1960's. :)
One such recent attack against labarum: click here for KJV Today . That website allows no contact except from members. So I was unable to notify the author of my reply in this blog post, as good manners require. The KJVO Today article responded to labarum's first video on the article, here:
Now God makes beauty from every nasty event. Witness how the unwarranted KJVO attack, forms the backdrop to a fascinating exegetical study: John's use of Greek soundplay upon the Most Famous Name in the Bible, the Sacred Name. For nominally, the KJVO seek to defend Textus Receptus in Revelation 16:5, which (inter alia) adds the word 'kurie' (=Oh Lord, vocative). Other mss lack that word. So of course the KJVO people declaim that any translation omitting the word is satanic. Yet they don't notice Revelation 16:5's TR has a blasphemous participle inserted! Which you'd know, if you could read the Greek! For if you could read, you'd know how John uses Greek SOUNDPLAY on the Sacred Name. Ooops!
Hmmm. Let's see how John uses his text, shall we? To start with, we must go back to Exodus 3:14, which is the first time the Sacred Tetragrammaton is used, when God the Son defines His Official Name as the God of Israel, YHWH. In the LXX version of that verse -- which KJVO all deny, since they can't tell LXX is 3rd-century BC Greek -- the Jews translated YHWH as 'ho own'. Meaning is the same as in Hebrew: "The One Who Is and Keeps On Being", or in simpler English, "The Being". You should find this meaning in just about any lexicon (i.e., Thayer's) you choose to search.
Now Greek is like any other language, in that it employs wordplay and soundplay. So notice how in Greek, John has a penchant for repeating the SOUND "ho own" in verses which stress Christ's Divinity: Jn. 1:18; 3:13, 31; 6:46; 8:47; 12:17; 18:37; [see also Rom. 9:5; 2 Co. 11:31 where Paul does the same thing]; Rev. 1:4, 8; 4:8; 5:5; 11:17; 16:5. The Greek search here is on all the major text families, not merely the TR. So you should find "ho own" text in whatever mss you're using.
Now, in Exodus 3:14, the two tenses are concatenated from two verbs, hayah and hawah, to create YHWH. I did a video showing how, click here.
Point is, there are only two tenses in Hebrew, perfect and imperfect. The qal imperfect doubles as a future tense; the perfect means completed (or seen as completed) action; the imperfect means action NOT ended (and/or not yet begun). Well, God never ends. So the two qals handily depict God's Never Ending Nature. You wouldn't need to say 'God will be', since He always WAS. Never changing. So when NT authors write of God's Nature, they use Greek imperfect as a qal imperfect, i.e., John 1:1's eta+nu, forming the imperfect of eimi: it's a Hebraism.
So, ho own (omega+nu), the very term used to translate YHWH in Exodus 3:14's LXX, is the articular present participle of eimi, probably dramatic or perfective use of the Greek present tense. So, in Revelation 16:5, you're not surprised to find ho own in the dramatic moment when the vials are poured out, soon to end the Tribulation. So, you're not surprised to find Revelation 16:5's full play on Exo 3:14's YHWH, is reflected by ho own kai ho en. He Who Is, Always Was. Christ. God. God-Man forever. Same Yesterday Today and Forever. No 'will be', as He's already Resurrected by Rev 16, capisce?
So why is esomenos in the TR text? Yikes! Red Flag Alert!
More: if John invokes the highest Divine Name for Christ via soundplay -- signature laconic finesse, heightening Rev drama -- would John next dilute it, with the lower 'kurie'? No: he'd not add 'kurie', since YHWH is already sound-embedded, TWICE. Just as in the other Johannine dramatic writing, embedding the sound.
But a medieval scribe might add the whole kai ho esomenos clause.
After all, monks said 'kyrie' in Mass, too. Aha.
For it became fashionable to use all three tenses
to stress God's Never-Ending Nature, and so remains, today.
Yeah, they didn't have Bible search engines to test Johannine usage,
back when you were lucky to have teeth by age 30.
back when you were lucky to have teeth by age 30.
For in Greek, sentences are normally long. Hence to make good drama, you economize as much as possible, since writing good drama, would make you rich. So, you suddenly
- shorten words,
- play on sounds,
- double the utility of words by deft placement (Romans 8:28's heroic accusative ton theon),
- switch from verbs to pithy nouns and participles,
- omit definite articles, prepositions, titles, anything remotely redundant;
- leave verbs, nouns, even whole ideas in ellipsis, whenever possible.
- The shorter the phrase/sentence, the better.
- And Greek finesse -- a specialty of all NT writers, especially Luke, Paul, John -- requires one omit much, to create pause. The reader thinks over what was said, omitted. And then he smiles. That's the story, here in Rev 16:5. John would never wreck dramatic cadence in Revelation 16:5, by inserting 'kurie'. The embedded and FAR GREATER 'ho own kai ho en', resonates. Say the whole phrase aloud, see the cadence (phonetically spelled, here): "ho own kai ho ayn, h'OHsee-ahss" -- see the 8-syllable rhythm? Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53 use 8's often to signify God's Plan, as my videos on both chapters, show (click here to view them).
- Of course, if you ellide, you'd get 7's, which is the underpinning meter for both chapters, as well as for Hebrews 11:1 in Greek (three 7's), since that too is a common OT Hebrew cadence (which ported over into NT Greek, i.e., Matthew 1 playing on the first 42 syllables of Isaiah 53, and Luke 3 playing off its first 77 syllables).
- You could also make a case for 'ho own kai ho ayn kai h'OHsee-ahass' (in Stephanus) as a Trinity niner. Then, one could easily argue an ascensive use of kai ('even') as the dramatic cadence. Niners are used a lot in Isaiah 53, so the usage ties to the doctrinal meaning of Isaiah 53's Hebrew meter. Deftly.
- [Relevant pan-Bible hosios usage notes: kai hosios (no fronting ho) Deut 32:4, ton hosion referring to Christ, Psalm 15:10 in LXX, 16:10 in English. See also Acts 2:27, 13:35. But Acts 13:34 ties also in a different way, and quotes Isa 55:3. Next, kai hosios but used as an adjective, Ps 144:13 (145:13 in English). Same usage in verse 17. Non-canonical, but serves to show as language usage, kai hosios kurios, Odes 2:4. Also non-canon, but interesting use of language: dikaios kai hosios ho kurios hemwn, Psalms of Solomon, 10:5. Heb 7:26 uses hosios as an adjective (obviously as a Hebraism).]
- In other words, there's an objective basis for evaluating cadence and alliteration. It's helpful for determining textual accuracy. Remember: ancient people memorized huge amounts of material orally, as one couldn't travel well with the expensive, heavy, and time-consuming Writings. So "ho own kai ho en" says GOD ALWAYS BEING far more elegantly than 'kurie'. 'Kurie' is what we call Him. But that's less than what He IS, get it? Are you smiling yet?
Again, just click here to read the KJV Today article. Its incompetence, loudly speaks. In particular, Greek esomenos which the KJV writer tries to justify via weird back-formation guesses, is grammatically, stylistically, doctrinally, and contextually wrong. In other words, the KJV Today writer tries to justify a word which CANNOT belong to the Bible, even if his was the only Revelation ms extant. Thus proving, he too can't read the Greek.
Why is esomenos blasphemous? Let's think: if the Lord is IN HEAVEN when the angels praise Him (yep, He is), then um.. why would the angels need to say "Who WILL be"? For esomenos means CHRIST CHANGES, post-Cross? Oh, is Christ not God? Or, does His Humanity again die and rise a 2nd time?! Per the KJV text here, yes! Hmmm. Obviously something is amiss. Okay, where ELSE in Bible, does esomenos, occur?
Whooops. The participle is only in the LXX of Job 15:14. Which means, no NT writer or OT writer ever used it as part of a praise to God. Payback: KJVO contend LXX is an invention of Origen, so wouldn't SEARCH for it there; and obviously they didn't search in Bible for any precedenting entries, either! Ooops, KJV Today writer flunks First Rule of Hermeneutics: examine how a word is used pan-Bible! See: KJVO practices yellow 'scholarship'. Pwned, by the very verse they claim perfect. Ouch!
Now I just did a routine, brief text-crit analysis used by scholars worldwide, to establish from the internal writing style, whether words in a text were originally penned by the author of it. We just saw how some of the words in Revelation 16:5, don't fit grammatically, doctrinally, or stylistically with the text, given what else we have from John and Bible.
Here's labarum's 2-part video form-criticism response to KJV Today on Rev16:5, which addresses such form-crit issues as mss outstanding, form of preservation (i.e., media and copying style), etc.:
Part 1:
Part 2:
So as labarum explained, KJVO forensic methodology is opportunistic, inconsistent, inapt. His conclusion is independently seconded by a respected Byzantine-text supporter, Maurice Robinson (click here). (On Wednesday 8/11/2010, the conclusion the interview with Dr. Robinson will be posted at (click here).
Today 8/10/2010, labarum made his own text-crit video, quickly showing how Beza's conjecture with esomenos, could have been easily recognized and admitted.
So to me, the torturous manipulation of the KJV Today article, shows either unwillingness or inability, to READ the text.
How sad, as most KJVO believe Christ is God. Notice they must keep looking at the MSS, to defend TR as basis for the KJV; yet no lightbulbs go on, ABOUT the MSS as they read it. So what spirit is in their analysis? Not God's! Makes you want to slump in sackcloth and ashes...
Dia touto, KJVO miss out on John's deft Sacred-Name rhetoric, via soundplay on YHWH in the LXX. For all KJVO need LXX origin to be Origen, not the Jews! Anti-semites! Pwned, by the Lord of Jews and Gentiles, in every verse they use!
Okay, that was depressing. So let's end with a bit of humor...
The original 'land shark' skit from Saturday Night Live is transcripted, click here. Or watch it: click here.
Thanks for the link Brainout. I commend you for taking the time to interact with the Youtube crazies. I don't know if I'd have the patience. Then again, we have the KJV Only Debate blog so we get our share of comments to moderate too!
I'll have to check out some more of your work here.
Thanks again,
To Bob Hayton: thank you for your comment. I'm not sure how to create a 'reply' button so my reply will esconce itself beneath yours. Will revisit template design.
Meanwhile, I must confess I lack the patience with the KJVO people, so frequently resort to (ahem) strong language, as lying just gets my goat (I have to constantly use 1John1:9).
But the larger purpose of being there is to show people that mistranslation in KJV or anywhere else, is no problem for learning God's Word. All you need do, is look at the original-language texts. In today's technology, that's not too hard to do! Pastors have a much easier time teaching from the texts, and so why don't they do that? Happily, more and more of them DO!
Like it says in Milton's Testimonial in the 1844 edition of Clark's Interlinear on Cicero by David McKay, Publisher (I have that in hardback), "Latin is no more unknown to a child, when he comes into the world, than English". I can make and upload a scanned jpg of that page, should you wish it.
So too, the original mss of Bible, were they taught us from childhood -- and they were widely taught, very much influencing the development of English itself. The pity is that KJVO are but lazy to learn God's Preserved Words, and they seek to justify that laziness, by attacking other mss and other translation. Their loss!
I too, have suspected that there are translator problems. I also think the problem might be systemic and translations that have been made after KJV have resulted in the same conclousional errors. Have you, by your methods, ever determined what the difference is between the 'another gospel' in Gal. that the apostles claimed was a counter to the truth they taught?
Answer to Anonymous' post 'I too, have suspected':
It's really obvious that the other translations ape the KJV, and that the lexicons treat its translation with too much respect. If you have a multi-Bible text software program (like BibleWorks, Logos, e-sword) you'll quickly notice how the other translations FOLLOW the KJV, not only in English, but in the foreign-language translations. It's appalling.
KJV is a decent translation, no doubt. But to ape it yet pretend fresh translation from the mss, is quite dishonest.
Now to your second issue, about 'another gospel' (heteros euangelion) in 2 Co. 11:4; Gal. 1:6-7. As I'm sure you know, there were a number of counterfeit gospels running around at that time. So I don't think translation has anything to do with those verses.. unless you meant something else by what you posted?
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